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自驾游攻略 山东自驾游 2年前 (2021-12-24) 711次浏览 0个评论


I had a good time this summer vacation. My families and I went to(随便一个海)for it. The science there was really beautiful. Blue sea ,blue sky and the flying sea mews made up of the natural beauty. My father and I swimmed in the sea,and my mother lay on the beach for sun shower comfortably. What was more, we also went boating ourselves. At the same time, we took many pictures for memory. In a word, this summer vacation was so full and we were very happy. If I had another chance to spend my vacation, I wish I could go to (随便一个海) again.。


Swimming is a kind of sport that can help people keep healthy because it can make all of your muscles get into the movement.In spite of that,this sport could not hurt your bones or other problems that other exercises could.What is more,you can enjoy the cool water in the hot day.However we also should pay more attention while we are swimming because lacking the skill of swimming in the water is dangerous,the basic skill of swimming is essential.So as long as you can breath without any problem in the water just jump into it.。


旅行は、人々が爱し、思いやりのない旅行を切望し、马に乗って走ることを可能にする活动であり、毎日帰ってくる些细なことを中断させることができます。 Heshanは、草原に行き、ビーチに泳ぎに行き、リラックスするだけでなく、地元の习惯を感じるだけでなく、感情を培うだけでなく、知识を深めるだけでなく、自己启発と解釈を养います。


(旅行は、人々が爱し、思いやりのない旅行を切望し、马に乗って走ることを可能にする活动であり、毎日帰ってくる些细なことを中断させることができます。 Heshanは、草原に行き、ビーチに泳ぎに行き、リラックスするだけでなく、地元の习惯を感じるだけでなく、感情を培うだけでなく、知识を深めるだけでなく、自己启発と解釈を养います。


北京旅游攻略 自由行线路 北京旅游

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